2nd/3rd grades
• If communities have more than one team in a division, the teams shall be divided up as equally as possible providing pitchers, catchers, and mixing the grades for each team. If this rule is not followed, a team will not be eligible to participate in the League Tournament.
• Girls graduating from the 2nd and 3rd grades. Girls may play up on the next division but may only pitch for one or the other the entire season and tournament. Team roster is set for league and Tournament by May 5th
Field/ Ball:
• Pitching distance 32 feet. Bases 60 feet.
• 11 inch ball with raised seams-teams may provide their own ball to the umpire
• Games will be 5 innings – no new inning starts after 65 minutes.
• No infield will be taken on the field. Infield can only be taken in foul territory or in the outfield.
• Final score is from the last completed inning.
• A team line-up and batting order will be exchanged between teams before the game starts. Have line up card ready to exchange.
• After the fourth “ball” in a count is recorded, a coach or designated person will pitch to their player. They will get 2 pitches, if they do not hit the pitch an out is recorded. If they foul off the 2nd pitch, however, they will receive a 3rd pitch. If they do not put the 3rd pitch in play, an out is recorded. The pitcher will be allowed to move to the back of the pitching circle and the catcher will remain in her catching stance within the catcher’s box. Coach and Pitcher must remain in pitchers circle)
• If a batter is hit by a pitch, the ball is dead and the girl shall be awarded first base.
• A ball that is attempted to be thrown to pitcher who is in or near the pitching circle will NOT be considered an overthrow; therefore runners CANNOT advance other than the current base they are heading to.
• An inning will consist of 4 scored runs or 3 outs.
• The game will consist of 5 innings, 12 runs at the end of 3 innings, or until time runs out. The game may end in a tie except for tournaments.
• The umpire is empowered to suspend a game at any time because of weather or other causes. The umpires will wait a minimum of 20 minutes to see if conditions improve enough to play. A suspended game resumes at the exact point where it was suspended.
• The umpire is empowered to call a game at any time because of darkness, weather, or other causes which put the players or fans in peril.
• An adult from the defensive team must be at the back stop with an extra ball to assist with pass balls.
• Bunting is allowed off pitchers, but NOT OFF of Coaches!
• If ball is hit off coach only 2 bases are allowed (runner on first can only advance to 3rd) EVEN on overthrows
• A coach has the option to have a batting lineup of the entire team roster.
• If a batter throws a bat, the umpire will warn the batters. Throwing the bat a second time will result in the batter being called out and the ball declared dead.
Base Running:
• No stealing bases.
• The base runner must avoid contact if played on at a base. Sliding is the preferred method to avoid contact, if there is no play, no need to slide.
• A fielder may only block the base if they have possession of the ball.
• No leading off until the ball reaches home plate.
• In field fly rule does NOT apply.
• Courtesy Runner may be used for Pitcher/Catcher to speed up the game. (Must be last out other than Pitcher Catcher)
Obstruction by the Defense: Watch for fielders standing on the base or in the way of a base runner. At the end of the play you will award bases. The runner will get the base or bases they were going to get to if they had not been obstructed. Fielders can only be in the way of a base runner if they have the ball.
• It is intended to let the participants learn proper pitching techniques.
• Pitchers can pitch only 2 consecutive innings in a game. We are relying on coaches’ integrity. No illegal pitches will be penalized. Coaches are strongly encouraged to help the pitcher learn the correct technique during the game. Remember this might be their first time pitching. 5 warm up pitches are allowed when a pitcher enters the game for the first time. 5 warm up pitches between innings.
Protective Gear:
• All batters, base runners, and players in the on deck circle MUST wear a helmet with faceguard and chin straps.
• All catchers must wear complete protective gear.
• Players warming up pitchers must wear a face mask.
• Only two base coaches are allowed on the field at one time. All players are to be in the dugout except the on deck batter.
• No metal cleats are allowed.
Players and Substitutions:
• A team shall consist of 9 players.
• A game may be played with 7 players and will be forfeited with less than seven. Change from last year: If a team plays with less than 9 players, no out will be recorded at the time of the batting rotation where the missing player(s) would bat.
• During tournaments a team must play will full 9 player team or will be required to take an out at the time of the missing player’s rotation.
• If a player arrives late, they must bat in the last batting position.
• Re-entry rule will not apply. Players reentering must bat in the same batting order.
• Coaches must play the players on the roster before playing borrowed players.
• Pitchers can only pitch for one team-minis, minors, or majors-throughout the season and tournament.
• Each player will play at least one inning per game.
• If a player gets injured, it will not result in an automatic out in their next at bat. If the injury occurs on the bases, the runner shall be replaced by the player making the last out before the injury if a sub is not available. If injured player misses her next turn at bat, she may not re-enter the game.
• Umpire will have official time.
• All players must be in an established position-umpires discretion.
• Umpire must meet with both coaches prior to the start of the game.
• A certified umpire is not required, but should be at least 16 years old.
• One umpire can officiate a game. The umpire is allowed to stand behind home or behind home plate to call the strike zone. If a fair ball hits an umpire on the field the ball is live and players need to keep playing.
• Complaints pertaining to umpires shall be forwarded in writing to the league president and post marked within 24 hours of the game.
• The League is encouraging the batters to attempt to hit the ball thus we are in favor of a liberal strike zone. This includes the edges of the plate. Please be consistent and must play in the field and at bat in order to call it an inning
*When a ball is pitched and rolls or bounces and then hits the batter the batter does not take their base.
Tournaments should be two days. I have had a lot of complaints about hot weather and playing it all in one day. This is dangerous for the kids to be playing in the heat. Pool play the first day tournament the second day. Minis you will need to get a hold of the teams that are in the tournament to figure out their records to seed accordingly.
Softball Director
Jenny Peters
Click here for NWIA Softball league site.